Examining Multiple Intelligences and Performance of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Students in the Specialized Subjects
This study generally examined the multiple intelligences of the Senior high school (SHS) students under the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) strand and their performance in the specialized subjects. Descriptive and comparative research designs were utilized to measure the variation among the identified study variables. It involved 193 STEM students (composed of 94 males and 99 females) who were selected using complete enumeration sampling. Secondary data on students' performance in the specialized subjects and an adopted Multiple Intelligence Inventory survey questionnaire were employed to collect the data. The T-test for two independent samples was likewise used to examine the significant difference between the performance in the specialized subjects of students with STEM strand as their preferred choice and those who do not prefer STEM. Based on the results, interpersonal intelligence was shown to be the most dominant intelligence type among STEM students, whereas logical intelligence was determined to be the least dominant. On the specialized subjects’ performance, the students demonstrated very good to superior performance in pre-calculus, general biology, and basic calculus subjects. Meanwhile, the study indicated no significant difference in the specialized subjects’ performance between students with STEM strand as their preferred choice and those who do not prefer STEM. Career guidance orientation for students must be reinforced so that they can be advised on what career track or stand to take in senior high school. Future related studies are suggested to further substantiate the results.
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