Truancy as Predictor of Poor Academic Performance among Junior High School Students in Ashanti Mampong Municipality of Ghana
One of the most serious disciplinary issues is student truancy. Researchers in this study want to know how truancy affects academic achievement among Junior High School pupils in Ghana's Ashanti Mampong Municipality. The data was collected using descriptive and correlational research methodologies, as well as a questionnaire. A multi-stage sampling procedure was used to determine the sample size of 331, which included 206 pupils and 25 teachers. Teachers' attitudes, corporal punishment/bullying, lack of parental supervision, broken households, peer influence, and poverty are the primary predictors of truancy among Junior High School pupils, according to the study's findings. There is also a positive association between school environment and truancy in this study. The outcomes of this study, once again, show a favorable link between parental socioeconomic position and truancy. In terms of the study's hypotheses, the researchers were unable to accept or deny the first and second hypotheses, respectively, based on the findings. Based on these findings, pupils should be taught about the dangers of being a truant. Parents should be encouraged to address their children's physical and emotional requirements. Parents should also keep an eye on their children to ensure that they complete their homework and attend school on a regular basis. Again, education groups and the government should work together to ensure that every child of school age attend school.
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